SIMOPS Supervisor Vacancy

Job Description

SIMOPS Supervisor


  • Education: higher national diploma or certificate (equivalent to A-levels + 2 years’ study)
  • Relevant years’ experience in O&G production operations.
  • Technical, personal and / or linguistic competencies:
  • Ability to work independently while maintaining good relations with colleagues and others
  • Must have a proven sense of operational responsibility, courage to intervene and challenge
  • Previous experience with Production, Drilling, Marine & Construction operations
  • Willing to work flexible shifts and extended shifts as required
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Computer literate
  • Professional or HSE certifications:
  • Basic firefighting
  • COMPANY PTW training & JSA awareness
  • Confined Space Entry & Rescue, Authorized Gas Tester
  • COMPANY lifting and rigging training, COMPANY manual handling training
  • Radiation protection awareness
  • Hazard & Energy control Logout & Tagout awareness

Job Responsibilities

  • Prepare and coordinate the daily meeting permit to work.
  • Maintain the SimOps General dossier as per CP-COMPANY-063
  • Populate and Maintain the Simops follow-up dossier as per CP-COMPANY-063
  • Assists Performing Authority and reviews any COMPANY PTW in the SimOps area. The SimOps Supervisor does not prepare PTWs on behalf of the Performing Authority
  • Takes part in every Permit To Work meetings related to activities in the SimOps area
  • Ensures the PTW register is updated by all parties requesting works under the COMPANY PTW system
  • Ensures full compliance of PTWs with the agreed SimOps matrix before opening PTWs (considering the very last update of activities in the SimOps area)
  • Performs the ultimate coordination of works to avoid interference in the SimOps area and notifies the Operating Authority of any conflict he may notice with simultaneously opened Permits to Work
  • Ensures that, prior to starting the works, precautions required from all disciplines (Fields Operations and Drilling/Construction) are implemented
  • Takes part in Toolbox Talk for every critical activity
  • Ensures the correct opening, suspension and cancellation of Permits To Work.
  • Ensures adequate handover of ongoing tasks take place at shift or crew change and information is transferred as required between all shifts working in the SimOps area
  • Communicates daily with HSE-SA & HSE-SA-D (if nominated) all activities conducted under COMPANY PTW
  • Contributes to updates the SimOps follow-up dossier as required with the HSE Superintendent.
  • Communicates and inform CCR about job progress and, if need be, about any problem encountered
  • Coordinates all the SimOps tests as per CP-COMPANY-053/063 and provides results to the OTL for review and filing in the appropriate SimOps dossier
  • Participates to HazId, JSA and Pre-Startup Safety Reviews of new facilities