Mechanical, Electrical, Telecom & Instrument Technician & Sr. Technician Jobs

More than 100 Sr. Commissioning Technicians & Technicians needed for an FPSO Project in Singapore

• Sr. Mechanical Technician – 8
• Punchlist Coordinator -1
• Mechanical Technician – 22
• System line Walk Coordinator -1
• Sr. Instrument Technician-10
• Instrument Technician -40
• Mechanical Completion Assistance -2
• Sr. Electrical Technician -7
• Electrical Technician-19
• Sr. Telecom Technician-1
• Telecom Technician-3

Minimum 5 years of commissioning experience.
Preferably with FPSO project experience.

Submit your latest profile to along with your earliest availability, recent & expected salary
Please enter the position you are applying in the subject of your email

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