Plate Heat Exchangers

Plate Heat Exchangers have a high heat transfer rate compared to other types of heat exchangers due to their large surface area.

They are composed of a number of thin metal plates compressed together into a ‘plate pack’ by two pressure plates.

Within a plate heat exchanger, the fluid paths alternate between plates allowing the two fluids to interact, but not mix, several times in a small area.

Each plate is corrugated to increase the surface area and maximize heat transfer.

Plate Heat Exchangers have a number of applications in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical, chemical, power, industrial dairy, and food & beverage industry.Plate heat exchangers are ideal for applications where the fluids have relatively low viscosity with no particles.

Also they are an ideal choice where there is a close approach between product outlet temperature and service inlet temperature.

Plate heat exchangers consist of thin, corrugated plates which are gasketted or Cu brazed.

The plates are tightened into a plate pack inside a frame, with product in alternate channels, and service fluid in between product channels.Plate heat exchangers are small, yet efficient.

It is possible to have a Plate exchanger with the same thermal capacity of a Shell & Tube heat exchanger five times its size.

The compact design conserves space in the heat exchanger environment, as well as material cost.

Plate heat exchangers are available in a variety of sizes and materials to suit many different applicationsand industries.